Over the past three-plus decades, the author has explained a variety of things True Believers need to know if they ever intend to withstand the “winds.” In this article you will find a summary of (and references to) many things he has written during that span of time so that those who are interested can understand what this civilization is facing here at the End of the Age. He continues his discussion regarding the goal of every True Believer—to think the way God thinks—and points out man’s attempts to think their own thoughts and do their own thing by explaining the significance of the Tower of Babel and man’s constant battle to thwart the restrictions God has put in place on mankind. The author repeatedly asks the reader if the “progress” of mankind is a good thing or a bad thing.
This generation’s constant striving for a utopia on Earth is the impetus for the coming nuclear holocaust, with the belief systems of Capitalists, Christians, Communists, and Constitutionalists each contributing their part to achieve their own version of utopia.
This column explains facets of the parabolic imagery of “Latter Rain,” “fire,” and “The Harlot,” as they relate to what’s next regarding the four-pronged quest for utopia here on Earth and the events leading up to nuclear war.