This is the third in a series of articles that explain the meaning of Jesus’ parables in terms of the parabolic imagery and Hebrew idioms the Prophets used. The first two articles appeared in the January and October 1998 issues. This article investigates the parabolic imagery the Prophets use to describe God’s “harvest” at the End of the Age.
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition talks about the parabolic imagery related to predicting the weather by looking for signs in the sky.
The first answer in this column explains some of the parabolic imagery associated with the three “cycles of cultic festivals” that Moses instituted. A second corrects a subscriber’s misrepresentation of things stated in earlier issues concerning the history of The Teaching. A third concerns how Jesus Christ inherited the blessing Jacob handed down to Judah in Genesis 49:10. The final question treats the subject of “Christians” imposing their religious beliefs on others.