After a short personal testimony concerning how his own foibles and failures prevented him from finding his way back to the joy of the new birth, the author discusses four mental hurdles that True Believers must surmount if they are serious about following “The Way” back to God.
This article is actually a fund-raising letter written by the President of Voice of Elijah, Inc. and sent out as a direct mail piece. In it, he presents a summary of various things explained in the pages of The Voice of Elijah® newsletter over the first five years of its publication.
This is the first in a series of personal testimonies written by people who claim to be True Believers. They tell their story; you decide if it is true.
The answers in this column include a review of the subject of parabolic pantomimes for the benefit of new subscribers who have not read the back issues. The list of parabolic pantomimes discussed—each of which God orchestrated by directly intervening in history—includes Hosea and The Harlot, Noah and the Flood, as well as Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. The final answer addresses a wide range of issues, including legitimate hermeneutical principles and the difference between righteousness and holiness.