This article is basically an excerpt from the book titled Institutes of the Christian Religion in which the Protestant Reformer John Calvin explains why an unregenerate person—the “natural man” Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 2:14—is incapable of understanding and accepting the Truth of the Word of God. Calvin’s point is, the new birth is the beginning of an entirely new experience for the True Believer. Pretenders are not able, and will not be able, to accept the Truth because they lack this single most important experience with God.
As the first article in a series of articles on the early history of the Church, this one examines the development of the various “creeds” that leaders of the orthodox Church adopted as they sought to preserve or restore basic elements of the Apostles’ teaching—The Apostolic Teaching—that either had been, or were being, distorted by fringe elements. It includes a table comparing the statements made by various Early Church Fathers to the twelve affirmations of The Apostles’ Creed (ca. A.D. 340) and the Nicæno-Constantinopolitan Creed (A.D. 325 and 381).
This column discusses the role Islamic Fundamentalism and the PLO may or may not play in the years leading up to the appearance of the Antichrist. It also explains the goal of The Way, The Truth, The Life seminar that was held shortly after the publication of this issue of the newsletter.