This article looks into the denotative and connotative meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words that are translated “repent” in the Scriptures. It also explains the importance of making a distinction between true repentance and false repentance.
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition looks at current events in terms of the parabolic image of the “winds” that Jesus mentions in the Parable of the Wise Man Who “built” His “house” upon the “Rock.”
The preponderance of this set of “Questions & Answers” is given over to a discussion of passages that relate to the need for True Believers to “count the cost” of “building The House” of God. That response includes an examination of salt as a parabolic image. The final question asks whether Satan can read our thoughts.