Larry Harper devotes this article to introducing his readers to the God Who is—the One Who called him to prepare His Children for the rapidly approaching End of the Age. He writes concerning God’s plan to create Jesus Christ—and all of His brothers and sisters—in His Own image and likeness, mankind’s continual rejection of the Truth (from Eve to the Tower of Babel to today), what conditions God created to prevent mankind from achieving their Utopia on Earth, and the impending nuclear holocaust that will usher in the seventh “day” of Creation.
Harper reminds us of what God says in Genesis 6—that God was sorry He made us. Harper highlights Genesis 6:13 where God says to Noah, “The Earth is filled with maliciousness.” He follows the word maliciousness through Habakkuk 1 and 2, and Psalm 11, and discusses why this term is so significant as we approach the End. He then includes Exodus 20—the “Ten Words”—to show us the true character of the Living Word of God in what God says about Himself.