This article contains a concise explanation of what adultery is and is not, and how God views the “one-flesh” relationship. Although most “Christians” believe a man and woman become “one-flesh” in marriage, God’s perspective is that union happens through sexual intercourse. This article examines the implications of that fact.
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition examines what the Prophet Nahum has to say about the Antichrist and the Second Coming.
The first question pertains to the recent capture of Saddam Hussein rather than his being killed. The second seeks to know how the parabolic imagery of The Teaching that Adam believed differed from that in The Teaching of Moses. A third asks what the Prophets mean by their use of the phrase “the daughter of My people.” The final question concerns whether the restoration of the Jews to Palestine is even mentioned in the Scriptures.