This article provides a brief synopsis of the articles that have appeared in The Voice of Elijah® over the past twelve and a half years (50 issues). The earlier articles are categorized by year, the later ones by topic. The article also explains the purpose the author had in writing certain articles.
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition revisits the “forecast” of Saddam Hussein’s certain demise in the October 1990 issue and the statements made in the October 2001 issue concerning the role that terrorism almost certainly plays in Satan’s plans.
The first answer defines the different responsibilities assigned Evangelists and Teachers in terms of the difference between the Gospel and The Teaching they were assigned to preach and to teach. It also explains the unique role the Apostles played in handing down The Teaching to the Church. The second answer deals with the parabolic imagery related to Melchizedek. Others discuss the different dimensions of the universe and the reason for peoples’ obsession with sex.