The author covers the fifth message in his summary of the eight Old Testament messages that he began in the April 2017 issue. He provides a summary of the things he has explained from the April 2017 issue through the July 2018 issue, and begins explaining the three Old Covenants that God made with the heir of the promise. In explaining this fifth message, the author includes several excerpts from The Inheritance of the Believer, Volume 1. Continuing with the theme of inheritance, the author includes both the blessing of Moses (Deut. 33) and the blessing of Jacob (Gen. 49) as these heirs of the promise hand down the promise to the next heir(s) of the promise.
In the “Questions & Answers” column, the author answers the question, “Who is the Restrainer mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:7?” He also addresses a question from a reader asking for a condensed version of what the author teaches. Finally, he is asked to explain a comment that was written in the October 1995 issue, regarding the fine distinction between repentance and confession of sin.