This article was written in response to a question concerning how the parabolic imagery of the “one-flesh” relationship that exists between a man and a woman relates to the parabolic imagery of the resurrection. It not only explains the difference between the modern mind-set and the ancient mind-set reflected in the Hebrew Scriptures, it also shows how the ancient mind-set pertains to the relationship that exists between the True Believer and the resurrected physical/spiritual Body of Jesus Christ.
The first answer in this set addresses the erroneous notion that men could continue to legitimately fulfill the duties of the offices of Apostle, Prophet, and Teacher in the Church after the loss of The Apostolic Teaching. The second agrees with the Dispensationalists’ contention that “replacement theology” is “wrong.” Yet a third explains the parabolic imagery related to the myth of Asherah and the ancient Canaanites’ worship of sacred trees.