This article explains why Pretenders will not be able to hide in the Church and slip into Heaven unnoticed. The One Who is the Word of God is already in the process of separating the “tares” from the “wheat” during the “winnowing” that follows the “harvest” at the End of the Age.
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition “forecasts” that literal “hail” will fall as a parabolic harbinger of the parabolic “hail” that is about to destroy the “refuge of lies” in which people have hidden from God.
The first answer in this set explains God’s purpose for the True Believer. The next concerns people taking extraordinary measures to prolong life. The third points out a few areas other than religion where Satan has lied to us. The last answer addresses the nonsense related to God’s concern for the racial purity of Israel.