This article explains the meaning and significance of the Greek and Hebrew terms translated “righteous” and “wicked” in the Scriptures. It discloses that although these two English terms accurately represented the meaning of the original text in 1611, when the King James version was translated, they now have no essential meaning at all. The article also explains the criterion God uses to determine who is “righteous” and who is “wicked.”
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This edition revisits the parabolic image of the “early rain” that ceased after the Apostles died. The Prophets promised the “latter rain” would begin shortly before the End of the Age.
The first in this set of “Questions & Answers” briefly explains how both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant figure into the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The second explains how God is able to “reap” where He has not “sown.” The final answer discusses the parabolic imagery involved in the ripping of the veil in the Temple when Jesus Christ died.