This article comments on an excerpt from a commentary on the Book of Daniel written by the Early Church Father Hippolytus (A.D. 170–236). Hippolytus was a third-generation disciple of the Apostle John, the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation. In this excerpt, Hippolytus discusses the meaning of the last five chapters of the Book of Daniel and how the content of those chapters relates to the appearance of the Antichrist that John describes in the Book of Revelation. In so doing, he provides incredibly detailed insight into the Early Church’s understanding of events related to the End Times. This excerpt is also included in The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist.
This article explains some of the parabolic imagery related to the parabolic pantomimes the priests conducted in observing the last three Feasts of Israel. The focus of the article is on how this parabolic imagery relates to God’s Sacred Calendar of Events for the Last Days, the appearance of the Antichrist, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
One of the answers in this column ridicules the notion that The Elijah Project and The Voice of Elijah® are a “cult.” It sarcastically derides those who mindlessly make that charge by noting The Voice of Elijah® and The Elijah Project do nothing more than publish and distribute religious materials that challenge current eschatological beliefs concerning the appearance of the Antichrist. There are no regular meetings and no interaction with or coercion by a “cult leader.” There is only a steady stream of information published for the benefit of those who are still seeking the Truth. It is also noted that, to be fair, those who make the “cultic” accusation must call the readers of Newsweek and Time “cultists,” since eschatology is the only part of Protestant theology where we differ with the mainstream. Funny thing is, Satan has always wanted those beliefs to be considered part of the adiaphora in systematic theology—until now.